Thursday, 17 November 2011

Rumours about Rumours

Two extremely kind reviews of Rumours of the Marvellous have just appeared in cyberspace, courtesy of those lovely gents Ian Hunter (in the British Fantasy Society's Book Review section) and Paul Kane (in Mass Movement magazine). If I was the kind of old dog who wasn't allergic to new tricks, I'd do that smooth move of highlighting their names as hot links so that you could jump straight to the full reviews, but I'm rubbish at all that, so you'll just have to google -- which, as exercise goes, is much better for your fingers than that lazy single-click stuff. See how I look out for you?

In the meantime, here's a couple of what we author chappies like to call "pull quotes" (as in the bits one pulls from reviews so that one can instruct one's publisher to emblazon them on the full-page ads they're taking out in Entertainment Weekly and the TLS. Or, in these sadly reduced times, to cut and paste into one's blog): 

"One of the best and most original writers of horror and dark fantasy to come along in the last twenty years ... a great stylist with a truly original voice"  -- Ian Hunter

"Believable characters ... subtle surrealism  ... incredible originality; Atkins' fiction is totally unique. Very highly recommended!" -- Paul Kane

Some time in December, the wonderful Glendale bookstore Mystery and Imagination will be hosting a reading and signing by me and that charming Hirshberg fellow. I'll post actual date and time once I have them. Please come along if you're local (or, if you're not local, well-heeled and obsessive).

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